Remediation of an illegal Landfill at St. Mary's Park in Limerick City
Client: Limerick County Council
Contract Term: Jul 2015 – Oct 2015
Contract Value: €0.780 million
Key Project Elements
- The preparation of waste processing, storage area & waste quarantine area
- Installed all site infrastructure, welfare facilities, wheel-wash & weighbridge
- Identified the waste body & surveyed to establish quantities
- The works area was fenced off to secure the site Haul routes were constructed to access the identified waste body
- The waste was excavated & drawn to the processing area using 30 ton dump trucks
- Processed & segregated the excavated waste materials 23,024m3
- Removal of segregated Waste off-site to an agreed licenced Waste Management facilities
- Backfill & regrade all of the areas excavated using inert material recovered on-site