Construction of Wetland Cell at Lisheen Mine in Co. Tipperary
Client: Lisheen Mine
Programme: Aug 2013 – Dec 2013
Value: €3.5 million
Key Project Elements
- Removed vegetation & topsoil c.150mm depth on the downstream face of the wetland cell
- Excavation & disposal of 268,000m3 of peat
- Proof rolled the exposed till in the footprint of the wetland cell
- Excavation of 180,00m3 of rock in on-site borrow pit & processed into Type B material
- Constructed the wetland cell bunds & slopes using the processed Type B material
- Blind off the wetland cell bunds & slopes using imported Type C material
- Supplied & installed 2mm HPDE liner, GCL & protection geotextile, 64,000m2 each layer
- Construction of all access roads to the new cell Undertook a leak location survey on the entire internal area of the wetland cell
- The works were completed within the agreed 19 week programme